Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
69 episodes
Tips for Summer Staffing in 2025
2025 summer camp staffing is top of mind, heart, and task list for many camp leaders right now. We're in the heart of recruiting season, pre-camp prep time is on the horizon, our staff training schedules are maybe beginning to materialize, and ...
Season 4
Episode 13

People Skills & Peer Ministry at Camp with Special Guest Lyle Griner
The most impactful ministry just might happen in the under-programmed times, the times sitting by the well (or the campfire) hearing someone's story. When we give our staff members, and even campers themselves, the "how" - meaning the skills an...
Season 4
Episode 12

Character at Camp
Self-confidence. Leadership. Resilience. Faith in daily life.These are all character traits we measure. There is real data that says camp in exceptional at building character through the highly experiential, highly relational programs yo...
Season 4
Episode 11

Why Camp? From the Perspective of Moms, Church Leaders, and Camp Enthusiasts
Answer: because kids need a safe place to __________________.Question: Why Camp?This question matters to you, camp or church leaders, because it's a question the parents in your world are asking. They have to, for one ...
Season 4
Episode 10

2025 New Year's Resolutions for Camp!
Campy New Year! Our 4th annual New Year's resolutions for camp episode is here! We have a blast with this each year, and we've got 5 fresh data-backed resolutions for camps and their leaders in the year ahead. Here is your keyword teaser:
Season 4
Episode 9

Jesus is Coming...to Camp!
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas from our sacred playgrounds to yours! We're donning Christmas hats and embracing Advent as we prepare for Jesus to come...to camp!This season reminds us that our ministries have audiences of influence - ...
Season 4
Episode 8

Camp Director Perspectives: Interviews with 4 Current Camp Leaders at Camp Conferences
Leaders who thrive learn from other leaders.Recently, Jake and Jared got to participate in and lead workshops at annual camp conferences for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries and the Campfire Collective (PCCCA, OMA-UCC, OMI, + more). T...
Season 4
Episode 7

Leading a Christian Camp After Election Day
Sometimes we love to hang out in our camp bubble, don't we? Sometimes even so far as to, at least in part, shut out the outside world. It makes sense, because there's something special about camp being set apart. And yet, we're part of an ecosy...
Season 4
Episode 6

"Scary" Stuff from Camp: A Story, A Truth, & A Statistic
What's your favorite scary movie? This week, we're embracing the spooky season with our #QuickQampQuestion. Post yours in the comments on our website,
Season 4
Episode 5

Camper Recruitment & Retention with Special Guest Travis Allison
"The most effective way to get campers this summer is to get last summer's campers to come back."On this episode, Travis Allison from Go Camp Pro joins us to talk through what's actually e...
Season 4
Episode 4

Promising Strategies for Connecting Camp, Church, & Home
A meaningful camp experience can be a powerful catalyst for family faith formation. That truth is at the heart of the Rhythms of Faith Project, the Lilly Endowment, Inc. funded project that Wheaton College/HoneyRock and Sacred Pl...
Season 4
Episode 3

3 Major Factors That Affect Camper Outcomes
Ministry is about impact. It's what we hope for, plan for, program for, recruit for, market for, evaluate for, and pray for. It's maybe the one thing that aligns the entire outdoor ministry industry. We may not even define impac...
Season 4
Episode 2

Season 4 Kickoff & Post-Summer Pulse Check Results
Season 4 of the Sacred Playgrounds Podcast is here! We're back behind the mic and behind the research for another season of camp-centric content focused on leaders like you.On this episode, we'll share a quick what-to-expect from this s...
Season 4
Episode 1

Season 3 Finale! An ICYMI Roundup & Encouragement for the Summer Ahead
finale {n.} the last and often climactic event or item in a sequenceIt's the last episode of season 3 of the Sacred Playgrounds Podcast! Whether it's your first time or you've been along for the ride since our first episode, th...
Season 3
Episode 18

Camp Research Chat with the ACA's Laurie Browne, PhD
On this episode, we're sharing the mic with a good friend and camp research colleague! We're deeply honored to chat with the Senior Director of Research and Education for the American Camp Association (ACA), Laurie Browne, PhD.Laurie jo...
Season 3
Episode 17

A Total Eclipse of the Heart of Camp
Every now and then, I get a little bit restlessAnd I dream of something wild- Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart"Eclipse week! Epic, singular experiences are our specialty at camp, and yet, how we prepare campers ...
Season 3
Episode 16

How We Holy Ground w/ Special Guests
It's launch week for Holy Ground 2024!It's no secret, so says the research, that summer staff are the heart of camping ministry. We know they need support, agency, and faithful community to thrive. That's why we constructed the H...
Season 3
Episode 15

Staff Training Checklist
Check!We're gearing up, camp family! For many, it's time to begin forming our plans for staff training, even as we continue to recruit and hire staff. We're bringing you 8(+1) items on a summer staff training checklist to help you...
Season 3
Episode 14

Learned This. Do That. 3 Actionable Findings from Summer 2023
We're constantly learning. Every season, we take care of each individual and/or group of camps we work with - creating reports, digging in with consults about the findings, and creating ways to help those insights tell stories. And, we take tha...
Season 3
Episode 13

Family Camp: S'more than a Vacation
We're making a new friend in this episode as we talk with author Maria Warner who wrote a book all about her family's transformational experiences at family camp, a specialized kind of camp that can, as Maria passionately shares, help familie...
Season 3
Episode 12

Rewind: Recruiting Emerging Adults
We're hitting rewind on an episode from last season where we broke down some of what we know about emerging adults today. Knowing who they are, what they care about, and what motivates them makes a big difference in how we connect and communica...
Season 3
Episode 11

4 Things Camp Builds
Camp staff outcomes align remarkably well with the top skills employers identify as most important for the 21st-century workforce, including teamwork, communication skills, leadership, and problem-solving. Being a member of a Christian summer c...
Season 3
Episode 10

5 Camp New Year's Resolutions for 2024
Happy New Year! We're back with our third annual New Year's Resolutions episode! We're sharing 5 fresh resolutions for sacred playgrounds like yours for 2024. Here's what you'll find:Build resumes
Season 3
Episode 9

Favorites & Finding Ourselves in The Story
Merry Christmas from Sacred Playgrounds!Green beans and great songs and cookies and memories, these are a few of our favorite things! (Sing it or it doesn't count)On this episode, we share some favorite fun in an extended, Christ...
Season 3
Episode 8