Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
A Total Eclipse of the Heart of Camp
Every now and then, I get a little bit restless
And I dream of something wild
- Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
Eclipse week! Epic, singular experiences are our specialty at camp, and yet, how we prepare campers and families for integration of faith in the totality of life is the real heart of our ministry.
On this episode, we'll hear the story of Jake and his family's adventure into the path of totality for the April 2024 solar eclipse and draw some interesting, actionable connections with our partnered, integrated, connected ministries. We'll share how Rhythms of Faith is seeking out how we maximize and harness these connections and share a quick project update on RoF as well.
Plus, we'll share some a book recommendation or two in our #QuickQampQuestion and have some fun with eclipse data in our #StatOfTheWeek.
PS, don't burn out their (or your) retinas.
Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.