Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
How We Holy Ground w/ Special Guests
It's launch week for Holy Ground 2024!
It's no secret, so says the research, that summer staff are the heart of camping ministry. We know they need support, agency, and faithful community to thrive. That's why we constructed the Holy Ground summer staff guidebook for the third year.
On this episode, we'll quickly share the what, how, and why of Holy Ground. Then, the heart of this episode is two conversations we had with special guests Renzi Ricketts, Director of Summer Camp at St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center and Pastor Val Teppo, Lead Chaplain from Park River Bible Camp and Red Willow Ministries. They'll share some of the specifics on ways their camp communities use this resource and how it helps provide support for summer staff, and even some other partners.
Plus, we've got a #StatOfTheWeek around the impact of resources like this on personal devotion and Bible reading time.
Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.