Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
Learned This. Do That. 3 Actionable Findings from Summer 2023
We're constantly learning. Every season, we take care of each individual and/or group of camps we work with - creating reports, digging in with consults about the findings, and creating ways to help those insights tell stories. And, we take that data and compile it, looking at it from a higher level with richer numbers of responses. We do this to learn and identify trends across our broad outdoor ministry community.
So, we've got 3 interesting, and more importantly, actionable, findings from the collective 2023 camper experience. You'll hear about:
- The trends on breakdowns in the 5 fundamentals of effective camps
- The trend in church engagement and family faith practices
- The experience gap in different types of camper groups
Our #StatOfTheWeek shares a statistically significant story on family church engagement, and our #QuickQampQuestion is one for you or a camp person you know.
Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.