Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
Favorites & Finding Ourselves in The Story
Merry Christmas from Sacred Playgrounds!
Green beans and great songs and cookies and memories, these are a few of our favorite things! (Sing it or it doesn't count)
On this episode, we share some favorite fun in an extended, Christmas-themed #QuickQampQuestion. AND, we'd like to hear yours.
Here's the list:
- Favorite Christmas song
- Favorite Christmas food
- Favorite Christmas tradition
- Favorite Christmas memory
We'll also wonder together about 3 sets of voices from The Story, and how we journey, worship, and give with them, finding ourselves smack dab in the middle of the greatest story ever.
Our #StatOfTheWeek reminds us that summer staff faith formation is often just as much a focus for leaders as camper faith formation. Download a shareable graphic below!
Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.