Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.
Sacred Playgrounds Podcast
The Case for the Christ Hike
Have you taken a walk through the life of Jesus? Have you brought your campers through an experience like this in a way that puts them in the story?
Immersive experiences have power, especially in the context of camp spaces already so experiential in nature. Bringing The Story to life is an honor, and we have an opportunity to make a connection between Jesus' story and our own, and that of our campers.
What kind of spaces and experiences does your camp create to immerse campers in the narrative of God's story? Share in the comments!
Our #StatoftheWeek is around camper financial support. Feel free to download and add your own link, QR code, or messaging around supporting your campership programs before you share.
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